Modulus-Amplitude form #
Definition: Let be a non-complex number and . Then can represented as . And this form of is said to be the or form of . The is said to be a amplitude or argument of and denoted by . If satistifes the condition then is said to the of .
Method of finding Principal Amplitude #
Problem: Find the principal amplitude of the complex number .
Examples #
Modulus-Amplitude form of i \bf i #
Problem-1: Find the modulus amplitude
form of
Modulus-Amplitude form of 1 #
Problem-2: Find the modulus amplitude
form of 1.
Modulus-Amplitude form of − i \bf -i #
Problem-3: Find the modulus amplitude
form of
Modulus-Amplitude form of − 1 \bf -1 #
Problem-4: Find the modulus amplitude
form of
Modulus-Amplitude form of 1 + i \bf 1+i #
Problem-5: Find the modulus amplitude
form of
Modulus-Amplitude form of 1 − i \bf 1-i #
Problem-6: Find the modulus amplitude
form of
Modulus-Amplitude form of − 1 + i \bf -1+i #
Problem-7: Find the modulus amplitude
form of
Modulus-Amplitude form of − 1 − i \bf -1-i #
Problem-8: Find the modulus amplitude
form of