Matrix #
Definition: #
Row Matrix #
Definition: #
Column Matrix #
Definition: #
Zero Matrix #
Definition: #
Square Matrix #
Definition: #
Symmetric Matrix #
Definition: #
Skew Symmetric Matrix #
Definition: #
Diagonal Matrix #
Definition: #
Indentity Matrix #
Definition: #
Identity Matrix #
Definition: #
Upper Triangular Matrix #
Definition: #
Lower Triangular Matrix #
Definition: #
Triangular Matrix #
Definition: #
Transpose Matrix #
Definition: #
Let \(\bf A=[A_{ij}]_{m \times n}\) be an \(\bf m \times n\) matrix. Then the \(\fcolorbox{red}{white}{\bf transpose}\) of \( \bf A\), is denoted by \(\fcolorbox{red}{white}{\bf \( \bf A^{t}\)}\), and is defined by the matrix \( \bf C\) of order \(\bf n \times m\) such that $$\bf A^{t}=C=[C_{ij}]_{n \times m}$$ where $$\bf C_{ij}=A_{ji}$$