Group Actions Notes - Important Theorems
Group Actions -Important Theorems
Group Actions Notes - Important Theorems trace back to the foundational concepts of group theory within Mathematics. They provide a deeper understanding of the interaction between groups and sets through actions. These concepts have been widely used in various disciplines, including geometry, physics, and computer science.
What You Will Learn?
In this post, you will explore:
- Theorem-1: Let (G,∘) be a group and S be a non-empty set and S be a G-Set. Then prove that [G:Ga]=∣[a]∣ for a∈S.
- Theorem-2: Let (G,∘) be a group and S be a non-empty set and S be a G-Set. If S is finite then ∣S∣=a∈A∑[G:Ga] where A is a subset of S containing exactly one element from each orbit [a].
- Theorem-3: Let (G,∘) be a group and S be a non-empty set and S be a G-Set. Then the action of G on S induces a homomorphism from G on A(S), where A(S) is the group of all permutations of S.
- Extended Cayley’s Theorem: Let (G,∘) be a group and H be a subgroup of G. Let S={aH:a∈G}. Then there exists a homomorphism ψ:G→A(S) such that Ker ψ⊆H.
Things to Remember
- Set Theory
- Relations
- Mappings
- Group Theory
Group Actions – Important Theorems serve as a cornerstone in the study of Group Theory. Group actions define how groups interact with mathematical objects and help understand symmetry, combinatorics, and algebraic structures. This study is crucial for solving problems in Mathematics.
Let (G,∘) be a group and S be a non-empty set and S be a G-Set. Then prove that [G:Ga]=[a] for a∈S.
Given that (G,∘) is a group and S is a non-empty set and S is a G-Set.
Let ⋅:G×S→S be an action of G on S.
Let ρ be the equivalence relation on S defined by ∀ α,β∈S, αρβ⟺g⋅α=β for some g∈G.
Let a∈S. Then we have Ga={g∈G: g⋅a=a} and [a]={x∈S: g⋅a=x, g∈G}.
Let P be the set of all left cosets of Ga in G.
To prove that [G:Ga]=∣[a]∣
Let us construct a mapping f:P→[a] such that
f(gGa)=g⋅a where g∈G
Then we have to prove that f is bijective.
- To prove f is well defined
Let p,q∈G then pGa,qGa∈P such that ⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹pGa=qGaq−1∘p∈Ga(q−1∘p)⋅a=aq−1⋅(p⋅a)=aq⋅(q−1⋅(p⋅a))=q⋅a(q∘q−1)⋅(p⋅a)=q⋅ae⋅(p⋅a)=q⋅ap⋅a=q⋅af(pGa)=f(qGa) ∴ f is well defined.
- To prove f is injective
Let p,q∈G then pGa,qGa∈P such that ⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹f(pGa)=f(qGa)p⋅a=q⋅aq−1⋅(p⋅a)=q−1⋅(q⋅a)(q−1∘p)⋅a=(q−1∘q)⋅a(q−1∘p)⋅a=e⋅a(q−1∘p)⋅a=aq−1∘p∈GapGa=qGa ∴ f is injective.
- To prove f is surjective
Let x∈[a]. Then there exists an element g∈G such that
⟹g⋅a=xf(gGa)=x ∴gGa is the pre-image of x in P. Since x is an arbitrary element of [a], therefore each member of [a] has a pre-image in P.
∴ f is surjective.
Hence [G:Ga]=[a].
Let (G,∘) be a group and S be a non-empty set and S be a G-Set. If S is finite then ∣S∣=a∈A∑[G:Ga] where A is a subset of S containing exactly one element from each orbit [a].
Given that (G,∘) is a group and S is a non-empty set and S is a G-Set.
Let ⋅:G×S→S be an action of G on S.
Let ρ be the equivalence relation on S defined by ∀ α,β∈S, αρβ⟺g⋅α=β for some g∈G.
Then S can be partitioned as the union of orbits of G.
A is a subset of S containing exactly one element from each orbit [a]. Therefore
⟹⟹S=∪a∈A[a]∣S∣=a∈A∑[a]∣S∣=a∈A∑[G:Ga][∵ [G:Ga]=[a]]
Let (G,∘) be a group and S be a non-empty set and S be a G-Set. Then the action of G on S induces a homomorphism from G onto A(S), where A(S) is the group of all permutations of S.
Given that (G,∘) is a group and S is a non-empty set and S is a G-Set and A(S) is the group of all permutations of S.
Let ⋅:G×S→S be an action of G on S.
Let g∈G and let us define a mapping τg:S→S such that τg(a)=g⋅a, a∈S.
- To prove τg is well-defined
Let a,b∈S such that ⟹⟹a=bg⋅a=g⋅b [∵⋅ is well-defined]τg(a)=τg(b) ∴ τg is well-defined.
- To prove τg is injective
Let a,b∈S such that ⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹τg(a)=τg(b)g⋅a=g⋅bg−1⋅(g⋅a)=g−1⋅(g⋅b)(g−1∘g)⋅a=(g−1∘g)⋅be⋅a=e⋅b [ where e is the identity element of G]a=b ∴ τg is injective.
- To prove τg is surjective
Let c∈S then ⟹⟹⟹c=e⋅cc=(g∘g−1)⋅cc=g⋅(g−1⋅c)c=τg(g−1⋅c) ∴g−1⋅c is the pre-image of c under τg. Since c is an arbitrary element of S then each member of S has a pre-image in S, ∴ τg is surjective.
∴ τg is bijective ⟹τg=A(S).
Now let us define a mapping ψ:G→A(S) such that ψ(g)=τg , g∈G.
- To prove ψ is well-defined.
Let g1,g2∈G such that g1=g2. Let s∈S ⟹⟹⟹⟹τg1(s)=g1⋅s ∀s∈Sτg1(s)=g2⋅s ∀s∈Sτg1(s)=τg2(s) ∀s∈Sτg1=τg2ψ(g1)=ψ(g2) ∴ ψ is well-defined.
- To prove ψ is surjective.
Let τg∈A(S) for some g∈G then ψ(g)=τg. Therefore τg has a pre-image g∈G. Since τg is an arbitrary element of A(S), then each member of A(S) has a pre-image in G.
∴ ψ is surjective.
- To prove ψ is homomorphism.
Let g1,g2∈G then ψ(g1∘g2)=τg1∘g2 Let s∈S then ⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹τg1∘g2(s)=(g1∘g2)⋅s ∀ s∈Sτg1∘g2(s)=g1⋅(g2⋅s) ∀ s∈Sτg1∘g2(s)=τg1(g2⋅s) ∀ s∈Sτg1∘g2(s)=τg1(τg2(s)) ∀ s∈Sτg1∘g2(s)=(τg1∘τg2)(s) ∀ s∈Sτg1∘g2=τg1∘τg2ψ(g1∘g2)=ψ(g1)∘ψ(g2) ∴ ψ is homomorphism.
Hence the theorem is proved.
Extended Cayley's Theorem
Let (G,∘) be a group and H be a subgroup of G. Let S={aH:a∈G}. Then there exists a homomorphism ψ:G→A(S) such that Ker ψ⊆H.
Given that (G,∘) is a group and H is a subgroup of G and Let S={aH:a∈G}.
Let us construct a mapping ⋅:G×S→S such that g⋅(aH)=(g∘a)H where g,a∈G.
First we prove that ⋅ is an action of G on S.
- To prove that ⋅ is well-defined.
Let (g1,aH) , (g2,bH)∈G×S such that ⟹⟹⟹(g1,aH)=(g2,bH)g1=g2, aH=bHg1⋅(aH)=g2⋅(bH)⋅(g1,aH)=⋅(g2,bH) ∴ ⋅ is well-defined.
- To prove that ⋅ is an action.
- Let g1,g2∈G and aH∈S for some a∈G
- Let e be the identity element of G and aH∈S for some a∈G
- Let g1,g2∈G and aH∈S for some a∈G
Let consider the mapping τg:S→S such that τg(aH)=g⋅aH for some g,a∈G.
Then this action G on s induces the homomorphism ψ:G→A(S) such that ψ(g)=τg
Now to prove that Ker ψ⊆H
Let IA is the indentity mapping on A(S)
⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹x∈ker ψψ(x)=IAτx=IAτx(aH)=IA(aH) ∀ aH∈Sx⋅aH=aH ∀ aH∈S(x∘a)H=aH ∀ aH∈S(x∘a)∘a−1∈H ∀ a∈Gx∘(a∘a−1)∈H ∀ a∈Gx∘e∈Hx∈HKer ψ⊆H
Hence the theorem is proved.
Group Actions are crucial in a wide range of applications across mathematics and science. In geometry, group actions help classify shapes and structures based on their symmetries. In physics, they are used to study conservation laws and quantum mechanics. Group actions also play a role in coding theory, providing solutions to problems in communication systems. For further study, explore Relations and Ring Theory.
Understanding Group Actions – Important Theorems enhances problem-solving skills in abstract algebra and its applications. These notes are fundamental for students and researchers focusing on Abstract Algebra and its impact on modern mathematical developments.
- Introduction to Group Theory by Benjamin Steinberg
- Topics in Group Theory by Geoffrey Smith
- Abstract Algebra by David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote
- Algebra by Michael Artin
- Symmetry and Group Theory by Mark A. Armstrong
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