Previous Year Question Paper | University of Calcutta | Mathematics Honours | CBCS | 2021 | C1

Previous Year Question Paper

This content provides access to the Previous Year Question Paper for the University of Calcutta Mathematics Honours CBCS program for the year 2021, specifically for the C1 paper. Students preparing for their examinations will find this resource invaluable for understanding the format and types of questions that may appear on the test. By reviewing the University of Calcutta Mathematics Hons CBCS question paper, students can enhance their study strategies, identify key topics, and improve their problem-solving skills. This paper serves as a guide to help students gauge their readiness and target areas for improvement. For more information about the University of Calcutta and its programs, visit their official website at University of Calcutta. Prepare effectively with this essential resource, and ensure you’re well-equipped for your exams!

University of Calcutta

Paper : CC-1
Full Marks : 65

The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
A. Answer all the following multiple choice questions. Each question has four possible answers, of which exactly one is correct. Choose the correct option and justify your answer: \( 2\times 10\)
[exam_shortcode page="1" subject="Math" university="CU" marks="2" year="2021" paper="C1" system="UG" show_pagination="false"]
B. Answer any three questions :\( 5\times 3\)
[exam_shortcode page="1" subject="Math" university="CU" marks="5" year="2021" paper="C1" topic="Differential Calculus" system="UG" show_pagination="false"]
[exam_shortcode page="1" subject="Math" university="CU" marks="5" year="2021" paper="C1" topic="Integral Calculus" system="UG" show_pagination="false"]
C. Answer any four questions :\( 5\times 4\)
[exam_shortcode page="1" subject="Math" university="CU" marks="5" year="2021" paper="C1" topic="Analytical Geometry (2D)" system="UG" show_pagination="false"]
[exam_shortcode page="1" subject="Math" university="CU" marks="5" year="2021" paper="C1" topic="Analytical Geometry (3D)" system="UG" show_pagination="false"]
D. Answer any two questions :\( 5\times 2\)
[exam_shortcode page="1" subject="Math" university="CU" marks="5" year="2021" paper="C1" topic="Vector Analysis" system="UG" show_pagination="false"]

B.Sc. Mathematics Honours | University of Calcutta | C-1

[manual_filtered_papers subject="Math" university="CU" semester="1" paper="C1"]


  1. What is the Calcutta University Mathematics Hons CBCS Question Paper? The Calcutta University Mathematics Hons CBCS Question Paper is an official exam paper for the Mathematics Honours program, structured under the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) curriculum.
  2. How can I access the 2021 question paper for Code C1? You can download the 2021 question paper for Code C1 from our website or through the official Calcutta University portal. Alternatively, you can find it on the original source.
  3. What topics are covered in the Mathematics Hons CBCS syllabus? The syllabus includes various topics such as algebra, calculus, linear algebra, and more, tailored to enhance your understanding of advanced mathematics.
  4. Is the 2021 question paper useful for exam preparation? Yes, the 2021 question paper is a valuable resource for exam preparation, providing insights into question formats and key topics likely to be tested.
  5. Are model answers available for the question paper? While model answers may not be provided, you can refer to textbooks and study guides to help you solve the questions.
  6. Can I find previous years’ question papers? Yes, previous years’ question papers are available for download on our website, aiding in comprehensive exam preparation.
  7. How does the CBCS system impact my studies? The CBCS system allows for greater flexibility in course selection, enabling students to tailor their academic experience according to their interests.
  8. What are the passing criteria for Mathematics Hons students? Students must achieve a minimum percentage of marks as specified by the university regulations to pass their courses in the Mathematics Hons program.
  9. Is there any specific preparation strategy for the Mathematics Hons exams? A well-rounded preparation strategy includes understanding the syllabus, solving past question papers, and focusing on weak areas in your mathematical skills.
  10. Where can I find additional resources for Mathematics Hons studies? You can find additional resources such as textbooks, online courses, and study groups through university libraries and educational websites.

Semeter-1 Mathematics Honours (University of Calcutta)

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Previous Year's Mathematics Honours (University of Calcutta) Questions papers

[manual_filtered_papers subject="Math" university="CU"]



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