The Fundamental Theorem of LPP
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Fundamental Theorem of LPP. In the dynamic world of linear programming, understanding how optimal solutions are achieved is essential for students, researchers, and professionals alike. This article delves into the core principle that any optimal solution to a linear programming problem (LPP) can be found among its basic feasible solutions—an idea that forms the backbone of the simplex method. By exploring precise definitions, step-by-step proofs, and practical examples, you will gain valuable insights into LPP optimality. Read on to deepen your understanding and boost your expertise in optimization!
Fundamental Theorem of LPP
The Fundamental Theorem of LPP states that if a linear programming problem problem admits of an optimal solution, then the optimal solution will coincide with at least one basic feasible solution of the problem.
Let us consider a LPP
\[\text{Maximize } z=\bar{c}\bar{x}\]
\[\text{Subject to } \bar{A}\bar{x}=\bar{b}\]
\[\text{and } \bar{x}\geq \bar{0}\]
where \(\bar{c}=[c_{i}]_{1\times n} \), \(\bar{x}=[x_{i}]_{n\times 1} \), \(\bar{b}=[b_{i}]_{1\times m} \) and \(\bar{A}=[a_{ij}]_{m\times n} \).
Let \(\bar{\alpha}\) be a optimal solution of the LPP.
Then we have \(\bar{A}\bar{\alpha}=\bar{b},~\bar{\alpha}\geq \bar{0}\).
Without loss of generality, let us assume that the first \(p\) components of \(\bar{\alpha}\) are non-zero.
Let \(\bar{\alpha}=\big(\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2},…,\alpha_{p},0,0…,0 \big) \).
And \(\bar{a}_{1},\bar{a}_{2},…,\bar{a}_{p}, \) are \(p\) the corresponding columns of \( \bar{A}\) and \[ \bar{a}_{j}=[a_{ij}]_{m\times 1},~i=1,2,…,m,~j=1,2,…,p\].
Then we have
\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \alpha_{i}\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{b}
z^{*}=\text{Max } z=\bar{c}\bar{\alpha}=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} c_{i}\alpha_{i}
Let \(\bar{a}_{1},\bar{a}_{2},…,\bar{a}_{p}, \) are linearly independent.
Then \(\bar{\alpha}\) is a basic feasible solution.
Let \(\bar{a}_{1},\bar{a}_{2},…,\bar{a}_{p}, \) are linearly dependent.
Then there exists scalars \(\lambda_{i},~i=1,2,…,p \), not all zero, such that
\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \lambda_{i}\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{0}
Let \(\lambda_{i}\ne 0 \).
Without loss generality, let us assume that \(\lambda_{i}\gt 0 \). If \(\lambda_{i}\lt 0 \) then we multiply the equation (3) by \(-1\) to get the positive \(\lambda_{i}\).
Let \(\mu=\text{Max }\Set{\dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\alpha_{i}},~1\leq i\leq p }=\dfrac{\lambda_{t}}{\alpha_{t}}~\text{(say)}\).
Since alleast one \(\lambda_{i}\gt 0 \) and \(\alpha_{i}\gt 0 ~\forall~ i\) then \(\mu\gt 0\).
&\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \lambda_{i}\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{0} \nonumber\\
\implies &\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{0} \nonumber\\
\implies &\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \alpha_{i}\bar{a}_{i}-\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{b}-\bar{0} \nonumber\\
\implies &\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \Big[\alpha_{i}- \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\Big]\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{b} \nonumber\\
\implies &\displaystyle\sum_{i=1,~i\ne t}^{p} \Big[\alpha_{i}- \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\Big]\bar{a}_{i}+\Big[\alpha_{t}- \dfrac{\lambda_{t}}{\mu}\Big]\bar{a}_{t}=\bar{b} \nonumber\\
\implies &\displaystyle\sum_{i=1,~i\ne t}^{p} \Big[\alpha_{i}- \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\Big]\bar{a}_{i}+\Big[\alpha_{t}- \alpha_{t}\Big]\bar{a}_{t}=\bar{b} \because\mu =\dfrac{\lambda_{t}}{\alpha_{t}} \nonumber\\
\implies &\displaystyle\sum_{i=1,~i\ne t}^{p} \Big[\alpha_{i}- \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\Big]\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{b}
&\mu\geq \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\alpha_{i}}~\forall~i=1,2,..,p\nonumber\\
\implies & \alpha_{i}\geq \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}~\forall~i=1,2,..,p\because \alpha_{i}\gt 0,\mu\gt 0 \nonumber\\
\implies & \alpha_{i}-\dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\geq ~\forall~i=1,2,..,p
\[\bar{\beta}=\big(\alpha_{1}- \dfrac{\lambda_{1}}{\mu},\alpha_{2}- \dfrac{\lambda_{2}}{\mu},…,\alpha_{t-1}- \dfrac{\lambda_{t-1}}{\mu},0,\alpha_{t+1}- \dfrac{\lambda_{t+1}}{\mu},…,\alpha_{p}- \dfrac{\lambda_{p}}{\mu},0,0,…,0 \big)\]
Then from clearly from (4) and (5), we have \(\bar{A}\bar{\beta}=\bar{b},~\bar{\beta}\geq \bar{0}\). Therefore \(\bar{\beta}\) is a feasible solution of the LPP.
Now let
& z_{1}=\bar{c}\bar{\beta}\nonumber\\
\implies & z_{1}=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} c_{i}\Big[\alpha_{i}- \dfrac{\lambda_{i}}{\mu}\Big]\nonumber\\
\implies & z_{1}=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} c_{i}\alpha_{i}- \dfrac{1}{\mu}\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\lambda_{i}\nonumber\\
\implies & z_{1}=z^{*}- \dfrac{1}{\mu}\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\lambda_{i}
If possible let \(\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\lambda_{i}\ne 0 \)
Then there exists a scalar \(\gamma \) such that
&\gamma\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\lambda_{i}\gt 0 \nonumber\\
\implies & \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\big(\gamma\lambda_{i}\big)\gt 0 \nonumber\\
\implies & z^{*}+\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\big(\gamma\lambda_{i}\big)\gt z^{*} \nonumber\\
\implies & \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} c_{i}\alpha_{i}+\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\big(\gamma\lambda_{i}\big)\gt z^{*} \nonumber\\
\implies & \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} c_{i}\Big[\alpha_{i}+\gamma\lambda_{i}\Big]\gt z^{*}
From (1) and (3),
& \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \alpha_{i}\bar{a}_{i}+\gamma\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \lambda_{i}\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{b} \nonumber\\
\implies & \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p} \Big[\alpha_{i}+\gamma\lambda_{i}\Big]\bar{a}_{i}=\bar{b}
Let \[\bar{\delta}=\big(\alpha_{1}+ \gamma\lambda_{1},\alpha_{2}+ \gamma\lambda_{2},…,\alpha_{p}+ \gamma\lambda_{p},0,0,…,0 \big)\]
\text{Max }\Set{-\dfrac{\alpha_{i}}{\lambda_{i}},\lambda_{i}\gt 0}\leq \gamma \leq \text{Max }\Set{-\dfrac{\alpha_{i}}{\lambda_{i}},\lambda_{i}\lt 0}
Then for \(\lambda_{i}\gt 0 \)
& -\dfrac{\alpha_{i}}{\lambda_{i}} \leq \gamma \nonumber\\
\implies & -\alpha_{i}\leq \gamma\lambda_{i} \nonumber\\
\implies & \gamma\lambda_{i}+\alpha_{i}\geq 0 \nonumber\\
And for \(\lambda_{i}\lt 0 \)
& -\dfrac{\alpha_{i}}{\lambda_{i}} \geq \gamma \nonumber\\
\implies & -\alpha_{i}\leq \gamma\lambda_{i} \nonumber\\
\implies & \gamma\lambda_{i}+\alpha_{i}\geq 0 \nonumber\\
Clearly from (8) and (9), we have \(\bar{A}\bar{\delta}=\bar{b},~\bar{\delta}\geq \bar{0}\). Therefore \(\bar{\delta}\) is a feasible solution of the LPP.
Let \(z_{2}=\bar{c}\bar{\delta} \). Then From (7), we have \(z_{2}\gt z^{*} \).
A contradiction. Since \(z^{*}=\text{Max } z \)
Therefore our assumption is wrong.
Implies \(\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}c_{i}\lambda_{i}= 0 \). From the equation (6), we have \(z_{1}=z^{*}=\text{Max } z \)
Implies \(\bar{\beta} \) is also an optimal solution.
If the associate column vectors for \(\bar{\beta} \) is linearly independent then \(\bar{\beta} \) is a basic feasible solution.
If the associate column vectors for \(\bar{\beta} \) is linearly dependent then we repeat the process for Case-2.
By iterating this adjustment process if necessary, we eventually obtain an optimal solution that is also a basic feasible solution.
This completes the proof of the theorem.
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